Simple Qigong Relaxation Meditation (Fang Song Gong)

Qigong meditation simple relaxation (Gong Fang song)
Song type relaxation Qi Gong Gong Fang. : Fang 'Act' or 'Edit '. I mean the song 'relax' or the 'facility '. Gong means 'work' or 'practice '. The term refers to practices to relax or loose and remove any unnecessary strain.
The Chinese linguistic process has a Bible, Guan, a diagram on the crane. This means "quiet surveillance." Crane shows relaxation while standing in water, but beware of fish swim and convert lunch. We can learn to be aware of this, too, but we need to develop awareness of the body. We can't decompress and eliminate stress unless we are aware of this tension, pressure and how to maintain this tension.
They become aware of tensions in any area of the body, that tension melts away. You become a psychologist, slows down your breathing. Basically, "song Gong Fang" consists of the abiding by steps:
Step 1: sit with eyes closed in for a couple of moments. With each exhale, relax the muscles, a section at a time. Start with the face, neck and shoulders, so you can build stress. Relax in front of your date's body with the arms, hands, chest, stomach, legs and feet. Relax in the back of your body from the back, waist, coxae, thighs, calves and soles of your feet. Recur until you feel light and comfortable.
Step 2: repeating a simple countersign or idiom quietly to yourself. Feel your consistency and the energy of the meridians directing your energy with each exhalation. Let your body melt in the quiet case. Lasts as long as you're comfy, maybe 5 or 10 minutes.
A word or phrase may be something that has meaning for you. If you prefer to use the word song. Extending s to 'tssong' for your complete exhalation.
There domain few things to keep in mind during the exercise "song Gong Fang."
O if certain parts of the body does not seem to would like to relax, just let go. With the continuation of the practice, you learn how to relax your entire body.
Hey you feel parts of the body become hot, tingling or itching. And this is normal. This means that you become sensitive to your Chi.
O if you feel discomfort and check your carriage and make accommodations until you feel comfortable.
